Home Corporate Law Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas Supports Gentari in Major 1.6 GW Renewable Energy Deal in India

Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas Supports Gentari in Major 1.6 GW Renewable Energy Deal in India

by Juris Review Team
Cyril amarchand mangaldas supports gentari in major 1.6 gw renewable

Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas Provides Legal Guidance on Gentari’s Renewable Energy Acquisition

Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas (CAM), a leading law firm, has successfully advised Gentari Renewables India Pte. Ltd., a subsidiary of the Petronas Group, in acquiring a substantial renewable energy portfolio. This acquisition, which represents a total of 1.6 gigawatts (GW) from Brookfield Asset Management, is being executed in two distinct phases.

The initial phase of the transaction has been completed, involving the transfer of 1 GW of operational renewable energy assets.

Legal Guidance and Team Structure

The CAM team provided comprehensive legal counsel throughout the due diligence process and investment structuring for Gentari. The effort was spearheaded by:

  • Ajay Sawhney, Partner and Head of Northern Region
  • Aditi Misra, Partner
  • Aditya Prakash, Principal Associate

Diligence Teams Overview

Several specialized teams contributed to the diligence efforts:

Corporate Diligence

  • Sreetama Sen, Partner
  • Assisted by Nooreen Haider, Bhadra Nair, Poorva Bhatia, Aakash Rao, and Soumya Gupta

Employment Aspects

  • Ankita Ray, Partner
  • Supported by Faiza Khan, Rachita Shah, and Sonam Ambastha

Projects, Finance, and Permits

  • Ajay Sawhney, Partner (Head of Northern Region)
  • Aditi Misra, Partner
  • Supported by Aditya Prakash, Bonny Singh, and several associates

Regulatory Compliance

Vishal Binod, Partner, played an integral role in regulatory due diligence.

Competition Law Considerations

Vijay Pratap Singh Chauhan, Partner, alongside Aaditya Ranbir Sahgal, addressed the competition law matters pertinent to the deal.

Real Estate Matters

The real estate transactions were managed by Ashish Jain, Partner, with assistance from Siddhant Sharma and Bhawani Rajpurohit.

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